Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

So... Sorry. I had painted my nails earlier, but I forgot to take a picture of them. And then they started chipping the next day and I just never fixed them. I plan on doing the design again because it looked super cool, but I figured I'd go ahead and paint for Valentine's Day since it's coming up.

My nails

I thought they turned out really well! A cute idea I just thought of: you could paint them like the heart candies and write things like "Be Mine" and stuff on the hearts. But in my opinion, that's too much work. Painting like that was hard enough... writing on the hearts would be going a bit overboard. It'd be cute, though...

Original nail picture
 Now I can only hope that they'll actually last until Thursday... Does anyone know of a way to still use your fingers but not chip nail polish? I suppose if anyone knew, there would be commercials about it... But I don't really know.

Anyway, have a wonderful week, guys! I promise I'll take a picture of my nails when I redo them... And I would take a picture of my toes (I did those, too), but I know I don't like seeing pictures of people's feet on the Internet, so I won't be hypocritical about it. Basically, my small toes are a rainbow (each nail is painted a single color individually, so when you look across my feet, it makes a rainbow), and my big toes have all the colors on them, but in a weave pattern. They actually look really cool... But that just might be me. Maybe in the future I'll paint my fingernails in this weave pattern and show you all :)

So yeah. I have to finish writing a paper... Blah. Have a wonderful week!


Monday, January 14, 2013

This Is What Happened

So, this is how my nails turned out:

I went with some sort of peacock theme. I think they turned out alright. Also, sorry for the low-quality picture. They glow in the dark, but obviously that didn't help.

Until the next time I paint my nails (this blog must be dreadfully boring, and I apologize- while we don't post very often on it anymore, feel free to stop by and read my other blog, inthemindsofknr.blogspot.com to pass the time),


Sunday, January 13, 2013


Hello, and welcome to my life.

I must warn you - I probably won't post very often. So don't get your hopes up.

Basically, today I was attempting to do this really cool design on my nails and I kinda botched it up.
A lot.
So I figured, why not make this a blog? This way I can document what works and what doesn't and hopefully get some input from anyone who feels like reading this on better ways to do nails at home (as opposed to going to a salon... Ain't nobody got time fo' dat).

While I did not take pictures today of my failed attempt, I intend to do so of all attempts following this. It'll be fun :)

In any case, here's what I wanted my nails to look like...

Maybe tomorrow I'll post a picture of how they actually turned out. We'll see.

Anyway, thanks for taking the time to read this :) You've made my day, random stranger!

Happy Sunday,
